Tour of Naples and Herculaneum

We offer the best of Naples and Hercules' town, "the wonderful Herculaneum," and its treasures!


"Visit Naples” this magic and unique city. Why Naples has fascinated so much people from all over the world?  To enjoy and understand this city, you need a tour of its most notable landmarks, Piazza Plebiscito, the monuments, the historical center, San Gregorio Armeno, Maschio Angioino, Castel dell’Ovo the National Museum, Gallery Umberto I, The Veiled Christ, Via Chiaia and the Duomo of San Gennaro, the Saint that protects the city when he liquefies his blood!!!  "The inexplicable Miracle"
You can be part of this colorful city that lives like a big theater simply wondering through the streets, smelling the aromas of the pizza, the tomato sauce and listening to the voices of the sellers, that you never know if they are happy or upset...   The Neapolitans interpret life in their own way, with fun and lightness, because everyday problems stay the same whether you laugh or cry. Come as a tourist and leave like a member a big Family.
Don't forget to try the babà, sfogliatella, pastiera, Pizza Margherita, fried pizza, and local street food

Herculaneum Ruins

The eruption of 79 AD buried Herculaneum, like Pompeii, under pyroclastic materials.
The two cities provide an exceptional picture of ancient Roman daily life and were chosen by Rome's aristocrats to build their villas.
Perhaps many are unaware that the vast majority of what we have today comes from the creative minds of the Romans.
Viewing these ruins is the equivalent of taking a trip in a time machine.
You will walk through the streets of Rome, see their homes, baths, and stores. These cities are still alive!!!
Herculaneum was discovered by chance in 1709 by a local while building his own palace.

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