Food & Wine Tours

All started from the sea. The first populations of this area were skilful sailors that with their hard work, beautiful architecture and cleverness, designed one of the most famous coastline of the world.

The Greeks first and the Romans later remained attracted from the mild Mediterranean breezes and rich volcanic soil of this coast. All this was and still is a perfect combination for tomatoes, olive trees, lemon groves, vineyards. Who comes for the first time on the Amalfi Coast or in Sorrento, will remain surprised looking at villages hanging off the cliffs and the incredible terraces built to grab land from the limestone mountains that go all the way down to the sea.

These terraces were and still are offering the best food , such as,olive oil, wine. Tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, Pasta and Limoncello

Food and wine tasting tours on the Amalfi and Sorrento’s  coast one of Italy's most charming places, offering authentic Mediterranean Food & Wine The Amalfi Coast, with its breathtaking views and historic traditions, , healthy traditional dishes and wines. Our food and wine trips depart directly from where you request.  or from any accommodation on the Amalfi/Sorrento Coast and Naples. Come and enjoy the Amalfi Coast food Experience; if you require any other information, please do not hesitate to contact us

Mozzarella Cheese Making & Tasting

If you want an unique experience  you need to have a Mozzarella class at the oldest  cheesemaker of Mozzarella and Provolone del Monaco  of Sorrento and Amalfi Coast.  This is also the only place where you can taste “The Monk‘s Cheese” produced here in this area thanks to the hard work of the local farmers and great local milk. During this fabulous day you will enjoy a personalized tour of the cheese factory and learn how to make with your own hands a delicious mozzarella!!!

After the demonstration process, you will continue to enjoy your experience  tasting all the kinds of cheese produced only with local milk.

Wine Tasting

An exclusive experience at a local family runed winery on the Amalfi Coast where you will certainly enjoy asecular vineyards, have an illustration of the different kind of grapes available, while being surrounded by a magical and relaxing atmosphere, you will certainly fully enjoy a delicious Mediterranean  meal, and tasting of 4 wines locally produced.

Pasta Making

Today those visiting the beautiful Sorrento and Amalfi Coast can easily reach Gragnano The European capital of Pasta. It is the ideal way to combine art, architecture, history and scenic beauty with the perfumes and flavors of the great pasta tradition. Water, sun, and wind are the three essential conditions that meet in Gragnano. What are the magic ingredients for the Pasta of Gragnano?  Without them, it would never have been born here. The first stage is the dough, the durum wheat semolina hugs the water of the Monti Lattari springs, with its unique chemical-physical and organoleptic characteristics. In the industrial world, the molds may be made of Teflon, but in Gragnano pasta factories only bronze draws, to give it a porous and rough surface, ideal for capturing the flavor of condiments, sauces and gravies. Of course, the process is slower and requires a longer drying period, but the time expenditure is synonymous with quality because the pasta retains all the nutrients that make it special. A natural, simple process that is also extremely efficient. The rest is taken care of by the talented hands of local workers. The sun is the last protagonist of this long story. Although it is not the least important. It is a source of life, economy and mitigates the currents. In the past it was the natural oven because its rays heated the "basoli" of Via Roma and went up to dry the dough lying on wooden stands. Today the procedure for drying has changed, but those conditions that make our area unique are still the same.

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