Pompeii ruins and Mount Vesuvius Tour

This tour is not only for lovers of archeology and history.

Walking through the ruins of Pompei a professional guide will explain one of the worst tragedies in history, showing you the spectacular Roman villas, domestic objects, intact paintings, mosaics. the shops of fast food and the bodies of the poor Pompeians immortalized exactly as they were in their final moments before death, that tragic night...
After or before the ruins Our skilled driver will bring you up to Vesuvius at an elevation of 1050 meters, then you can reach the big cone only walking. Once on the top a local guide will explain you the story of the volcano show you the “Fumarole “that is the steam coming out still today mixed with the smell sulfer.  If it is not cloudy it i salso possible to see the city of Ercolano,Pompei. views of the bay of Naples and Sorrento’s coast.

Vesuvius is one of the most monitored and dangerous volcanos of the world it is still today a constant worry for the inhabitants of Naples that live on and around it.
Think that the next eruption, has the potential to knock down 24 cities in less than 5 minutes.

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